Thursday, November 29, 2012

Firefox 17 and IC incompatibilities

Issue Alert on Firefox 17: The newest release of Mozilla's Firefox 17 has caused an issue with WYSIWYG editor screens in Infinite Campus. For example, on the Assignments screen, the SAVE buttons are not responsive.

  Please use Firefox 16 or IE9 as alternatives until this issue can be resolved.

This issue is being tracked as SIS-61030. Our development team is actively working on this issue. No ETA has been provided at this time.

This information is also posted on Campus Community. Click here to see the posting.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

New look coming to Gmail Compose window

Fans of minimalist design will really like Gmail's new Compose window. Soon, the new look will be rolled out to all our Gmail accounts. You can get a preview and learn more about it at this link. I've been trying it out for a few weeks now, and although I initially had trouble finding things, I now appreciate the simple, clean look that hides most of the things I don't use often.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Wireless network Captive Portal security certificate fixed

Users trying to log in to the public wireless network this morning got an error message saying the identity of the server could not be verified. The exact error message varied depending on the browser. Chrome and Firefox give you the option to override and continue, albeit with dire warnings about how somebody could be intercepting your traffic. (This was sure to get the attention of the paranoid, tinfoil-hat-wearing crowd.) Safari is apparently a bit more ardent about protecting us from ourselves, and did not provide the option to override. The result is that iPad users on the public network were not able to authenticate.

The actual cause of the warning was that the security certificate for the captive portal (the screen that pops up asking you to log in when you use the public network) had expired over the weekend. We have created and imported a new security certificate, so now devices on the public wireless network can log in normally.

Thanks for your patience, and I apologize for the interruption and inconvenience.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Navigator page down this weekend

The OSD Navigator page ( was unavailable from 7:10 AM on Sunday, November 4, until 7:35 AM on Monday, November 5. We apologize for the interruption.

For future reference, here are some direct links to frequently used sites.

Google docs/drive:
Google calendar:
Infinite Campus:

Google docs/drive:
Campus Portal: