Thursday, January 17, 2013

Navigator page moved to a new server

Kevin and Chris have moved the OSD Navigator Page to a new server, which should solve the outages which seem to keep happening on Sunday afternoons. The URL has not changed, so you don't have to change any bookmarks. (Students will have to revert to the old "dog ate my homework" excuse instead of "the nav page was down.")

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Homeland security says to disable Java...but we need to post grades

The US Department of Homeland Security strongly advises that Java be disabled on all computers due to a security flaw. This is one of those situations where it's really difficult to find a balance between security and usability. The district computers need to run Java, because it is required for Infinite Campus gradebooks (as well as many other programs). At the end of the semester, entering grades is obviously a really high priority. Disabling Java until a solution is found really isn't an option, unless we were to postpone the grading window.

I would suggest that Java be disabled on any computers that don't require it. I've disabled it on my home computer for the time being, and I encourage others to do the same.

Full details of the vulnerability, and instructions for disabling Java, can be found on the CERT page, which will also post updates as available.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Navigator page down...again

The Navigator page again stopped working on Sunday evening. Not sure if it was hardware failure, or the server was just dejected from the Packers' loss, but it wasn't responding to any requests. It's back now. Sorry again for what appears to be a recurring problem. We are planning to replace this server shortly, or at least move the Navigator page to a different server to solve this issue. Thanks for your patience.