Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bogus email

A number of people have received the following message:
------Original Message------
From: Webmail Administrator
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Webmail Upgrade
Sent: Apr 29, 2010 2:50 AM

Dear Email User,

We are upgrading our Email system to enable us reduce the occurrence of spam .
You are to clink on the Link below to Upgrade your Email.
[link has been removed so we don't infect anybody]

Webmaster Administration
 This is false message and is not from us. You can tell this is a fake easily because the originating email address is not from the district, and the URL it asks you to click is not from the district.

Our content filter identifies the linked site as a virus site. If you clicked on the link, please submit a helpdesk ticket so we can check your computer for virus infections.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Unplanned Internet outage now resolved

A brief Internet outage has been resolved. Here is the notification from WiscNet.

Network:           WiscNet
Type:              Unplanned Outage
Location:          WiscNet
Ticket Number:     107176
Start Time:        4/28/2010 9:40 CDT
End Time:          Unknown
Description:       Widespread Outage



  WiscNet Members


Maria Accuardi @ 2010-04-28 09:59:31
  There is a widespread outage for WiscNet members at this time.
     Network Engineers are currently working to resolve the issue.

Maria Accuardi @ 4/28/2010 9:59 CDT
Maria Accuardi @ 2010-04-28 10:35:56
  The routing process on the ISP router in Madison was restarted to
     restore connectivity.  Network Engineers have opened a case with
     the vendor to investigate the cause of the outage.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Proposed new password policies for next year

New password policies for next year
I am proposing two big changes to the district's password policy. The two big changes are: 1) Passwords will never automatically expire; and 2) Passwords will have to be fifteen characters long and have some complexity. These go hand-in-hand. If the passwords are long and complex, they probably won't be cracked, so they won't ever need to be changed.

Why will they never expire?
Research on IT best practices shows that the more frequently passwords are changed, the simpler they become. We also know that changing a password regularly doesn't necessarily stop bad things from happening- it simply blocks out an intruder who happens to get your password. Also, we know it's annoying when passwords expire.

Why will they have to be fifteen characters long?
Again, IT best practices show that long, complex passwords are more secure. There are many reasons for this, but there are two I'm focusing on.

First, there is a very easy password cracking tool that students use (yes, even Oregon students have used this) which can crack any Windows password with a length of fourteen characters or less. Adding the fifteenth character might not seem like much, but the exponential increase in complexity, combined with the way that Windows hashes passwords makes this a huge difference. The second reason for complex passwords is that if a student happens to see or hear a password, it should be something that's difficult to remember. For example if you write down your password (in your wallet or some other place where people won't see it) and a student catches a glimpse, they could remember "BrianJoeErica1990" more easily than "mfdwmfswam3m0ri@lu"

How can we remember all that gibberish?!?
The secret is that it's not really gibberish. The password above, "mfdwmfswaM3m0ri@lU" only looks like gibberish. In fact, it's based on a phrase that has significant personal meaning: "My first date with my future spouse was at Memorial Union." (I just made this up, it's not true, but if it were, it would be memorable. Choose your own phrase.)

See how I got the password? I took the first letter of each word, then the entire word "Memorial" but substituted a "3" for the "e", a zero for the "o", and an "@" for the "a". The resulting password has lots of complexity- it includes capital and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. And after a while, your fingers will just get used to typing it. Remember- you won't have to change it every month.

Related resources:

Thursday, April 15, 2010

ROME server reboot

9:45AM April 15th

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

ROME server reboot

The server unmounted its volumes at about 1:15pm today, April 13th 2010. I rebooted it, and it was back up and running by 1:25pm

Monday, April 12, 2010

ROME server reboot

9:45 AM on Monday April 12 --
The Rome Corners server encountered a driver error and had to be rebooted. The server was back online by approximately 10:00 AM.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Elementary server problems

The server for all three elementary schools has been behaving badly. It experienced numerous freezes and reboots which resulted in users not seeing files, taking 10-20 minutes to log in, and causing programs to crash.

A Novell consultant has been working on the problem with us since this morning. We haven't found a definite problem, but there are some abnormalities with the server. We are currently copying the server to different hard drives in hopes of resolving the problem. Unfortunately, it's going very slowly (which in itself is a bad sign, and means it could very well be a problem with the drives). It took one hour for 25 GB of data to transfer, and the whole data set is over 400 GB in size, which means the transfer will take 16 hours.

We will try to get the server working again by the morning. We know you have lots of important things stored on there, and we are trying our best to give you access again without losing anything. Thanks for your patience.

Further updates as events warrant.

Internet down for whole district

This is the official ticket for the 42 minute Internet access outage this morning. 

Network:           WiscNet
Type:              Unplanned Outage
Location:          Madison
Ticket Number:     100354
Party:             Charter
Start Time:        4/8/2010 8:19 CDT
End Time:          4/8/2010 9:01 CDT
Description:       Multiple Charter Site Outage





Maria Accuardi @ 2010-04-08 09:16:12
  Multiple Charter sites failed at 0819.  The WiscNet and Charter
     Engineers are investigating the cause of the outage.  Connectivity
     was restored to all sites at 0901.

Maria Accuardi @ 4/8/2010 9:16 CDT