Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Skyward Self-Service link visibility workaround

The link to Skyward Self-Service on the staff start page has been moved to the top of the Online Tools section so that it will be consistently visible regardless of the web browser you use. The widgets on the start page sometimes don't resize correctly, resulting in the bottom few items being cut off.

Unfortunately, it seems to be a sporadic problem, so we haven't found a way to fix it for everyone yet. We do know that Firefox is the best browser to use because it renders the HTML most consistently. If you are using Chrome or Internet Explorer, your chances of encountering the problem are greatly increased.

Obviously, we will fix it as soon as we find the solution, but until then, the combination of moving the link to the top of the list, and using Firefox, should fix it for most everyone. Just for your reference, the link is https://skywardea-win.iscorp.com/cgi-bin10/cgiip.exe/WService=wsermaoregonwi/seplog01.w

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