Monday, March 16, 2009

Request your software for 2009-2010

Did you know that industry-wide, 80% of tech incidents are caused by IT making a change? Given that statistic, you might ask why we ever make any changes. The answer, of course, would be to solve a security issue, provide upgrades, or fulfill a software request from staff.

To avoid such problems, we want to streamline our software, and minimize changes. Toward that end, IT has a goal to use a single software image on each computer for each semester. We will begin with this practice in fall 2009. We'll need your help to determine what software is to be installed, so we need you to tell us what software we need. Please submit your requests in an online form at

You can view all the requests submitted so far at . That way, if somebody else already submitted the same request, you don't have to do it again.

Please note that if you do not request a software application to be installed, it won't be available for the first semester of the 2009-2010 year! You'll have to wait for the semester 2 request window.

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