Thursday, March 26, 2009

Conficker C virus warning

Our friends at UW-Madison pass along this warning about a particularly powerful and complex virus. We (IT) are looking into our district computers, but owners of Windows computers at home should check for infection as well. It is estimated to have infected millions of computers.

OCIS is aware of increased media coverage of a specific instance of malware, Conficker C, that may have infected many vulnerable Microsoft operating systems.  This malware may have logic set to activate (on already compromised machines) on April 1, 2009. Currently, the full details of what may happen on this date are not known.  However, IT staff should be alert for possible issues.  In addition, IT staff may consider verifying that Windows machines under their control (do not forget virtual ones) have been recently updated as information suggests infected machines may turn off automatic Windows updates. 

More information can be found at the following sites:
In plain English:

For the technically minded:

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