Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Web access and new filter

The new SPAM filter that we are using for email also has the ability to filter web traffic. We will be implementing this functionality this afternoon at 3:00 PM.

What this means for you:
--Some sites that you used to be able to get to may be blocked.
--Some sites that were blocked may be unblocked.

The categories of sites are bound to be a little bit different than the filter that we are currently using. I have tried to match up the sites as closely as possible, but there will probably still be some differences.

Actions needed to be taken by you:
If you plan to use any web sites in your curriculum tomorrow or later this week, please check that they are unblocked before class time. While checking access please keep in mind that, as with the old system, staff are able to access more than students.

Normally when a site needs to be unblocked a request needs to be sent to the principal at your building and then they will forward it to Jon Tanner.
For the next two weeks, if the site was previously available, please send an email directly to me and I will get it changed ASAP.

Thank you for your patience while we try to improve our services and efficiency.


“Change is inevitable - except from a vending machine.”
~Robert Gallagher

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