Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Update: workaround for problems caused by anti-virus software

Josh and Doug have spent many hours researching the cause of the slow logins and it appears to be a combination of issues related to our anti-virus software. Our server was overloaded and Kaspersky released an update which caused problems. The server couldn't keep up with the update requests, so the fix to the bad update couldn't be pushed out. So, machines were stuck with a bad version of anti-virus, and the server couldn't deliver the fix. (Arrrgh.)

We have disabled Kaspersky on startup for the endpoints, but left the service running on the server. So far we haven't heard any complaints after restarting the machines. Hopefully this will solve the problem in the short term. Our long-term solution is to provide a more powerful server for the anti-virus.

Sorry again for the loss of instructional time.


PS- Here's the official notice from Kaspersky
"If you are experiencing the following symptoms: explorer.exe and /or MS Office applications crashing, or login prompt not appearing, please be aware that Kaspersky Lab is working on a resolution. Also, please go to http://usa.kaspersky.com/support/companyaccount and open an online case. Once a resolution is available a member of the business support team will contact and assist you. Kaspersky Lab apologizes for any inconvenience this may have caused."

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