Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Slow logins at OHS- status, explanation

The helpdesk has fielded a number of complaints about slow logins from OHS. After researching the issue, our current theory is that the FreeNAS array currently holding the PANTHER server is slower than the regular SAN or drive arrays in the servers. PANTHER is being temporarily hosted on FreeNAS until it can be moved to the SAN. However, we can't fully migrate it until other arrays have been moved, which we were doing last weekend, but it took too long and had be be aborted.

In the meantime, the aborted PVE migration has been erased from the FreeNAS array, which increases the free drive space from 20 GB to about 300 GB. This should provide more headroom, which will hopefully result in a (nominal) improvement in login times. The only thing users can do is delete unnecessary files to make both individual profiles load more quickly, and reduce the overall disk load. This will also allow the migration to happen more quickly.

We understand this is frustrating, and we are working to correct the problem. It wasn't planned to be a long-term situation, and we're trying to progress to the final configuration (all volumes on the SAN) as quickly as possible.

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