Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Parents can now sign up for text notifications

Parents and guardians are now able to sign up to receive text message (SMS) alerts from the Oregon School District.

To sign up for text messages, and to choose which type(s) of notifications to receive via text, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to the Campus Portal at http://www.OregonSD.org/portal. If you do not have a Campus Portal account, you can request one by sending an email to portal@oregonsd.net
  2. On the left side of the Portal window, click on the Contact Preferences link.
  3. In the contact preferences grid each row is for a phone number or email address. Each column is for a type of notification that you can receive, such as: Emergency, Attendance, General Notification or Priority Notification.
  4. Select the "Text (SMS)" checkbox in the grid to indicate which phone number(s) should receive text messages, and for which types of notifications. I suggest selecting "Emergency" and "Priority Notification," since these are time-sensitive notices.
  5. Click Save.
Please note that although there is no charge from the district for text messages, your cell phone provider may charge you for text (SMS) service. I hope you find this new service beneficial.

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