Thursday, September 8, 2011

Can't get to Amazon? Internet Explorer may be the problem

Short version: no longer supports Internet Explorer, and if you are using Internet Explorer, you may not be able to use the site.

Longer version:

Dan the Bookman was unable to place orders on Amazon so he called the helpdesk and we started researching the problem. We couldn't really find a solution. Dan tried from home, thinking it was a problem with our firewall or network filter. He sent me this update this morning:

I remembered to place my order at 5:45 this morning and was having the same issue even at home.  It turns out that as of the 1st of September, Amazon appears to no longer support Internet explorer.  After searching for 15 minutes on their website, I was able to speak to a human who said that they use only Firefox and support that format.  I'm not sure if it is an affront to Microsoft, but was stunned to be told that they don't "support" explorer. 

Nowhere on its site do they publicly say this(probably not a good business move in my opinion).  I had no trouble ordering using Internet explorer just two weeks ago, and little trouble once I switched to Firefox. 

As we geeks have mentioned often in the past, you should never use Internet Explorer unless absolutely necessary. Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, and Camino are some suggested alternatives.

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