Sunday, September 14, 2008

Be extra cautious of viruses and spyware during MAP testing

MAP testing will occur September 15 - October 6 in all buildings except OHS. During this time, due to the design of the MAP test applicaiton, virus protection must be turned off on desktops and servers that are used for MAP testing. Please be extra cautious about opening any email attachments that you are not expecting during this time, and report any suspicious or unusual computer behavior immediately.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Natural disaster day in techland

The datacenter had a "small-ish" flood today. It apparently was the result of a mistake made while "fixing" one air conditioning unit which had failed earlier this week.

No major systems were interrupted, but we are still trying to limp by at half cooling capacity, while drying the floor and walls, and waiting for repairs.

So far, we've had heat and flooding (and nearly fire, when sparks flew from the malfunctioning AC unit). If the water turns to blood or locusts start flying, I give up.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

How to contact Information Technology Literacy Teachers

You can contact the Information and Technology Literacy Teachers to get help with classroom technology integration either online or via phone. You can submit a request online at

To contact them by phone, please refer to . This page lists the contact information for all members of the Information Technology Literacy Team, including Library Media Specialists.

(Note: you will have to log in with your Novell username and password to view these staff-only sites.)

For your convenience, the new extensions for the Info Tech Literacy Teachers are listed here. If dialing from an outside line, simply add the "835-" prefix.

Jeri Shumaker, x6760
Pam Sengos, x6761
Shelly Kadow, x6762
Velvet Holmes, x6763

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

An Even Easier Helpdesk

We've enabled a feature in the new version of our helpdesk program. This feature allows you to email helpdesk requests to us.

All you need to do is send an email to or (or but that gets kinda long ;) ).

If you're more comfortable with the other interface, it's still available at . Please include as much information as possible in either method.

As always, feedback is welcome!